Why is aluminium not good for die casting?

Dec,01 2023

Aluminum is actually commonly used in die casting, but there are certain challenges associated with its use in this manufacturing process. Die casting is a metal casting process that involves forcing molten metal into a mold cavity under high pressure. While aluminum has several advantages, such as being lightweight and having good corrosion resistance, there are some limitations to its use in die casting:


High melting point: Compared to other metals commonly used in die casting, such as zinc and magnesium, aluminum has a higher melting point. This means that more energy is required to melt the aluminum, making the process less energy-efficient.


High fluidity: Aluminum has a high fluidity when molten, which can lead to difficulties in achieving detailed and precise casting. This can result in the potential for air entrapment and shrinkage porosity in the final product.


Die life: The high temperatures and pressures involved in die casting can lead to faster wear and tear on the molds. Aluminum has a tendency to cause more wear on the dies, reducing their lifespan compared to other metals.


Hot cracking: Aluminum alloys can be susceptible to hot cracking, especially during the solidification phase. This can affect the integrity of the final casting.



Despite these challenges, aluminum die casting is still widely used, particularly for applications where its lightweight properties and corrosion resistance are crucial. The process may require careful attention to the design of the mold and the control of process parameters to overcome these limitations. Advances in technology and alloy formulations continue to improve the performance of aluminum in die casting applications.

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